понедельник, 14 июня 2010 г.

Today, June 14 (1 of Art. Art.) Orthodox Calendar

14 (1 of Art. Art.) Orthodox Calendar


On this day:

Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the memory of the saints:

Life and suffering martyr Justin the Philosopher

The suffering of the holy martyr Justin, and with them Hariton, Charites, Evelpista, Ieraksa, Peony, and Valerian (166)

Life of Reverend Father of our Agapito Cave, bezmezdnogo doctor

Feast of St. Dionysius of our father, Abbot Glushitskogo, a new miracle worker (1437).

John of Kronstadt (glorification 1990).

Martyr Basil presbyter, martyr of the Faith (1940).

The events of Russian history:

1608 army impostor False Dmitriy II embarked camp in the village of Tushino

1807 - Russian army defeated Napoleon at Friedland.

1842 (from 1 to 2 June 1842) there was healing grace Motovilov Nikolai Alexandrovich (1809-1879) of severe injury

1859 - Accession of Chechnya to the Russian Empire.

1898 - In Russia, the first law limiting the working day (11.5 hours).

1905 - an uprising in the Russian battleship Potemkin. "

1906 in Bialystok (Russia) after the shooting by unidentified procession there was a pogrom against

1918 - Don and Kuban Cossacks signed a cooperation agreement.

1920 - On the small CPC alleged secret clause "Sovnarkomovskaya soldering" is considered by the Small SNK.

1939 - In the Soviet Union announced contradiction genetics of Marxist dialectics.

1941 - Mass arrests and deportations by Soviet authorities of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.

The People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR Molotov said that only an idiot could now think about the attack on the Soviet Union.

1995 - Chechen terrorists led by Shamil, seized more than 1,600 hostages in a hospital in Budennovsk (Stavropol Territory).


1440 - Dionysius, a house painter.

1820 - Paul Vyazemsky (d. 1888), Prince, head of the Russian censorship (1881-1882.), The founder of the Society of Ancient Texts.

1823 - Peter Lavrovich Lavrov (d. 1900), philosopher, writer, ideologist of populism.

1835 - Nikolai Rubinstein (d. 1881), pianist, teacher, founder of the Moscow Conservatory.

1860 born Dmitry Konstantinovich, Russian grand duke, the grandson of Nicholas I, General, heads of state horse breeding (1897-1905 years).

1871 - Fedor Tokarev (d. 1968), the designer of small arms (TT pistol and machine gun MT), Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of USSR State Prize.

Was born in 1882 Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna, youngest daughter of Emperor Alexander III, the younger sister of St. Czar Nicholas II, Redeemer


1886 - Alexander Ostrovsky (b. 1823), playwright.

1983 - Alexei Surkov (b. 1899), Russian poet, songwriter ("a slap in the close stove fire").

God bless you, Mother of God and all the saints, their own memory we celebrate today!


Troparion of St. Dionysius, abbot Glushitskogo

tone 1

Divine love of his youth raspalaem, / Dionysius the Saints, / the whole ordeal in the world is red, hating, / edinago Christ loved the art / and this for the sake of the inner desert abode, O / the beasts was dead, the whole Christ. / Otonuduzhe and all-seeing eye, your having seen the works, / gift of miracles and the Death of enriched thee is. / cry out thus managing Tee: / pray unceasingly for us all, / honest your memory for ever / in pesneh revere.

Kontakion of St. Dionysius, abbot Glushitskogo

Tone 8

All your clever desire for God staring, / Tom irrevocably from the heart followed by art in the desert vselivsya, /, and customs having lived an angel to many the path to salvation was art; / this for the sake of Christ has glorified thee the gift of miracles Enrich. / Thus managing all ye that cry out thee: / Rejoice, saints Dionysius, a desert dweller.

Troparion of Martyr Justin the Philosopher and his ilk

Tone 4

Your Martyr, O Lord, / to the sufferings of their crowns priyasha netlennyya from Thee, our God: / haves bo fortress Thy / tormentors nizlozhisha, / sokrushisha and demons insurrection. / Those prayers / / save our souls.

Kontakion of the martyr Justin the Philosopher

Tone 2

In wisdom of words of thy Divine, Justin / Church of God all ukrasivshisya, / Life of your lordship's world lights, / the same outpouring of the blood of the crown / receive and with the angels to Christ, pray without ceasing for all of us.

Troparion of St. Agapito Cave, a physician bezmezdnogo in the Near Caves

Tone 5

Bogonosnago Anthony jealous humility, / aki a sort vrachestvom zeliem snednym / healing art bolyaschiya, Reverend Agapit, / so wrong and the doctor assured / Thou hast in the way of salvation. / Heal and our illness and / molisya Lord of praises Thee.

Kontakion of St. Agapito Cave, a physician bezmezdnogo in the Near Caves

Tone 6

He Who Doctor izryaden, wonderful, / presenting nesumnennuyu your faith / denouncing same armeninovo disbelief and / causing him to piety, / a, near death of the former, / thou sought from God continued stomach / and sym miracle that assured / Thou brought Christ , / Emuzhe with gladness to be, / molisya about us, Reverend.

St Theophanes the Recluse. Thoughts for each day of the year

(Rom. 9, 18-33; Mt. 11, 2-15).

"The kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and by force admire him. Nuditsya kingdom, that is, with want, with difficulty, and serious efforts of the feats achieved, and because it reaches only the one who leads the life pritrudnuyu, selfless. This, on the way to the kingdom, denied any kind of consoling. Joy of all sorts are removed from the kingdom, and we now only cares about what pleasures, sometimes emotional, but most of the flesh: eating, drinking, having fun, go out and luxuriate in all. Kingdom said: "I beg you, forgive me", even though it a feast, and feast of a king, and I can think of no one would make, but tastes we do not have those. What there is sweet, then we bitterly, that there is pleasure, then we disgusted that there cheers, then we are oppressed, - went completely. And the kingdom with nuzhdnitsami, take it by moving away from us. We are happy, even ready to quickly drive them out of the question is about the plant, but all the wicked as it is not contrived to settle this.

Sermons Daily

On the "doubt" John the Baptist

(Mt. 11, 2-12)

(Rom. 9, 18-33)

"God demonstrates His own love toward us, that Christ died for us" (Rim.5, 8), - writes the apostle. The victim lives, is the highest manifestation of love.

But to really save from error can only love. It tells you how to make the truth itself spoke for themselves.

We remember how John's disciples were jealous of diminishing the glory of his teacher. John then told them about myself as a friend of the groom, and that Jesus must increase, but it diminished (In.3). But not everyone heeded his words. It was necessary, so that they saw Jesus and His cause. John and arranged it with wisdom, prompted by love.

He said to them: Go and see. In this case, students could answer: we do not go anywhere, no one would know except you. And so he sent them, as if doubting myself and wanting to see more precisely: "Art thou he that should come, or we look for another?

And when they came and said, Jesus, knowing the plan of John, also responded, as it is not for them: "Go and tell John what you hear and see: the blind see and the lame walk, lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear, the dead are raised and the poor have the gospel preached . And blessed is he who takes no offense at me. "

From the temptation He wanted to save, of course, John, and his disciples. When the disciples went away, he turned to others, so that they, in turn, should not be offended about John the Baptist. But here he did not convince the words that could not be seduced by someone who still in the womb, welcomed Christ, when He was still in the womb of the Blessed Virgin. He did not prove that he could not waver in their faith who, on God's command came to preach the coming of Christ, who himself had baptized him, and saw the Holy Spirit, departed on him. He did not explain anything to prove, He only encouraged people to remember is the image of John the Baptist. He said: "What went ye out into the wilderness? A reed shaken with the wind? What did you go? A man clothed in soft garments? Wear soft clothing are in kings' houses. What did you go? .. "

But human greatness, too, is tempted. And then God says that all the same, although "born of women not risen a greater than John the Baptist, but less in the kingdom of heaven is greater than. The kingdom of God belongs to God, and give it can only be God.

Memory of the death of John the Baptist - the day of fasting. Being the greatest born of women, he descended into hell and stayed there until the Risen Lord, destroying the bonds of hell, do not bring him down with all those who waited for him in hope. And of course, in the kingdom of heaven St. John is no less, but the highest of all people, after the Blessed Virgin.

Lord said that "now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and by force admire him. It is said that the pardon depends "not on the wants, and not of wills, but of God the merciful" (Rim.10, 16). And seek God's mercy in constant prayer. Therefore, the works are not exempt from prayer. On the contrary: the more works, the hotter should be the prayer that the works were not in vain, and to us, even though most smaller, but still enter into the kingdom of God.

Life and suffering martyr Justin the Philosopher

Holy Martyr Justin the philosopher Christ was born in Syria, Palestine, within the West Bank, in a city called Shechem initially, but vposledstvii1 Neapolis Flavil2. His father, named Priscus, was a noble pagan, heathen as he was, and Justin, until the light of enlightened holy faith. Encouraged by their love of truth, from his youth he had the diligence to the book-learning, and, thanks to sharp mind, managed in the sciences taught in the Greek pagan schools. Mastered the art of eloquence, he felt a desire to philosophy and first became a student of the philosopher - stoika3 to see what was the doctrine of Stoics. Justin was eager to get the concept of God, but after spending some time in the Stoic philosopher, he learned nothing from him about God, as the Stoic did not know God and the teachings of Him is not considered necessary. Then Justin left of the teacher and went to another philosopher, the so-called peripatetikov4, which was considered a sage. Few days have passed, as this philosopher had already begun making arrangements with Justina on board, not wanting to teach him nothing. Seeing the avarice of his teacher, Justin felt contempt for him as a greedy, and decided that this teacher not worthy to even be called a philosopher, because he knows his contempt for worldly wealth. Rejecting, for these reasons, the Stoics and Peripatetics, Justin, prompted by unsatisfied desire for true philosophy, which leads to the knowledge of God, was about to elect their teacher of a famous philosopher pifagoreytsa5. He found that Justina is due primarily to study astronomy, geometry, arithmetic, music, and some other sciences, as necessary - in his view - in this earthly life. But Justin decided that for the study of these sciences would have to spend a lot of years, whereas for the souls of them will not be any good, and not hearing from the teacher's anything that would satisfy the desire of his heart, every day more and more incensed with love divine, Justin also left him. Then he turned to one of platonikov6, the doctrine which in those days was a great honor and respect; Platonic philosopher, has promised to teach him the knowledge of immaterial objects of physical similarity, the highest knowledge of the similarity of the lower and intelligence of God from understanding the ideas - for the anticipated end of the platonic teaching was the transition from ideas to knowledge of the understanding of God. Blessed Justin eagerly bent on this path, hoping to grasp the object of their aspirations - the divine wisdom, giving knowledge of God and do His grace. When a teacher Platonists he spent quite a time, soon learned doctrines and statutes of Plato, and reached perfection and glory, as the Greeks, the philosopher. But the true Christian knowledge of God to achieve this by Justin still could not, because the Greek philosophers, supposing incorruptible God for perishable manner of people, birds, quadrupeds and reptiles, they glorified him not appreciated. Nevertheless, Justin had some spiritual solace, practicing in thinking about God and instructing the knowledge of God, on what I could comprehend his mind, not yet enlightened by the true teachings.

While walking one day out of town, on a secluded spot near the sea and discussing in mind the different philosophies, Justin saw a then unknown to him a venerable old man, gray-haired people. When he attentively looked at the elder, the latter said:

- Do you know me, that so closely looking at me?

- I do not know - said Justin - but I wonder to see you in this desolate place, where I was not expecting anyone to meet.

- My dear, - said the old man - had gone in that direction, waiting for their return, I went out to meet them, to see them from afar. Are you doing here?

Justin replied:

- I love to walk in solitude to think freely about philosophy.

- What is the benefit you gain you from philosophy? - Asked the old man.

Justin replied:

- What you can find useful philosophy? She - educator mind, leader and mentor to every argument, the leader of life who know her well, the same as in a mirror sees ignorance and misleading others, without a philosophical doctrine, and proper use of reason can not be wisdom. So should everyone may learn philosophy in order to know what benefits and what is not, what should stay and what to reject.

- But it brings a philosophy of human happiness? - Asked the old man.

Justin replied:

- Of course brings.

- Tell me, what is philosophy, and what of her happiness?

- Philosophy, - said Justin - there is understanding of all existing and knowledge of the truth, in the possession of the same mind and the wisdom and value is the philosophy of happiness.

Elder asked:

- If the truth is known through the proper philosophical understanding, what do you say about God?

Justin replied:

- Creature - never changes, but always staying in the same condition, the root cause of all existence - that's how I think about God.

Elder liked this answer, and he continued questions:

- Everything that exists is there a common reason? Because of the well versed in any art, say it is the art of saying: if you land surveying, navigation, or a medicine, not the same as it is in relation to other things divine and human? Another tell me: is there a reason: which is based on knowledge of things both divine and human?

- Indeed there is, - said Justin.

- One and the same whether: understand God, or understand music, arithmetic, astronomy, or anything like that?

- Not at all. Another matter to mean God, nothing - to know any art.

You are well answered - said the elder, - some knowledge obtained by us or by hearing, and teaching or in the contemplation of the subject with your own eyes. If, for example, who told you that in India the custom of such a beast, not like on any other animals, but completely on their different properties, different from them - not having seen it with my own eyes, you might not know about it, but first he had heard the story about this animal, could not talk about it and another. Now I ask you: how your Greeks, philosophers can correctly understand about God and say of him that is either true, if you never saw him, never heard, and therefore have no knowledge of him?

Justin replied:

- Father Power of the Godhead bodily eyes sees not as man considers any earthly creatures, but the mind alone can comprehend God, says Plato, the doctrine which I follow.

Elder asked:

- Is not there in our minds some kind of force with such properties, and so powerful, through which we could quickly comprehend the invisible, as we understand bodily senses any thing?

Justin replied:

- Truly, there is such a force; Plato calls it the eye of the mind, which, in his view, given the person with that view, so that, purified and enlightened teachings of wisdom, it could contemplate the most divine truth, the cause of all things, figure out the mind. The truth is this has no particular image, or any likeness, or age, or anything available to corporal disgusted, but there is substance to all creatures, incomprehensible, inscrutable, the connection of goodness and beauty; themselves as being from the beginning of this implanted in noble souls desire to know Him, - for it is like when such souls to get to know and contemplate.

Elder was a pleasure to hear such words, but he was not quite satisfied with this reasoning Justin of God according to the teachings of Plato, as flawed by the absence of Christian faith and, without endorsing Plato said:

- If Plato teaches, as you profess, then why he did not know and never learned the truth of God? Arguing that God is invisible and incomprehensible, he visible creatures, sky, stars, trees and stones, hewn in the likeness of men, adored as God Himself, and paid in a lie the truth of God, holding kumirosluzheniya, and taught others. I do not think that Plato and other Greeks, philosophers have the right reason, which is likely to reach the true knowledge of God: "became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened; themselves to be wise, they became fools" (Rim.1 :21-22) ...